Monday, 10 December 2012

Two things we Prayed...

This is what i Believe; Before the elections Ghanians went on their knees and prayed to God for a Peaceful elections and to elect a Suitable President for us - even though we all had our factions we belonged to. I believe Strongly that God is a Prayer Answering God and has done just that, whether your party won or not.

Now, Unless u believe that God does Not listen to and answer prayers or u believe that Gods answer to a prayer can be Manipulated or Influenced by "Man", then you sure should have No Problem with the outcome of the elections.

In any case we prayed for TWO things; Peace and a Suitable leader. Now you and I can testify that we have seen the Peace, so do u think God will decide to answer our prayers partly.?? That He gave us Peace but with an "Unsuitable" Leader..?? Is that what u think.? Then believing in Him and praying to Him is Not even necessary anymore i guess.?

Indeed, we are different people from different places with different Experiences, Ideas and Preferences yet with "One God". Let this Hate talks and Comments and Insults and Curses CEASE because whether Rigging or Cheating or not, there's NOTHING and i say NOTHING which can happen on the surface of this earth if PapaGod Himself does not allow it.

Cheers to all you People who made Our Peace Possible. U are now Stake Holders of our Peace and ought to keep upholding it No Matter our differences. Lets continue to Cherish in Our Peace as we have done this elections and work together as ONE in Hope that we Achieve the "Better Ghana" Promised Us.

By: Julius Ofori Boadu (JOB)

Twitter: @CwesiOfori

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